Stems Overview
Serato Stems utilizes a powerful machine learning-based algorithm that allows you to isolate vocals, bass, melody and drums in your DJ performances, at the click of a button.
Stems can be used on the fly with tracks you've just loaded to your virtual decks, or by preparing tracks in advance, all from your existing Serato DJ Lite library.
Stems features can be controlled using your mouse, or your favorite Serato DJ Lite hardware.
Preparing tracks for use with Stems
By default, Stem analysis occurs when any of the Stems functions are triggered on a virtual deck with a loaded track. Stem analysis in progress, is indicated by the following status bar message:
However, for some performances you may find you want to trigger Stems more quickly, or with the least impact on your computer’s performance, in which case you may want to consider the following two options for preparing tracks for use with Stems, Analyze Stems on song load and the Stems crate.
- Using the Analyze Stems on song load preference requires more computer processing power, but results in Stem analysis occurring as soon as a track is loaded to deck, rather than when a Stems function is triggered. This is useful for when you want to use Stems more quickly.
- Using the Stems crate allows you to designate tracks for Stems analysis without having to load a track to deck and is useful if your computer is struggling when using Stems.
This option is highly recommended for users with slower computers, but requires more free storage space, and is best utilized before your performance.
Analyze Stems on song load
Turn on Analyze Stems by navigating to Setup > DJ Preferences > On Song Load:
Stems crate
The Stems crate can be found in Serato DJ Lite's crate list, in your library:
Adding tracks to the Stems crate
Drag tracks into the Stems crate from your library, noting the grey Stems library icon, which then turns into a white Stems library icon, to indicate preparation is complete:NOTE: Preparing Stems can take some time, and depends on the file type, track length & the specifications of your computer.
Please be patient if the icon remains grey for longer than expected.
Removing tracks from the Stems crate
Occasionally, you may wish to reclaim the storage space used up by prepared Stems, by removing tracks from the Stems crate.
Click on the Stems crate, highlight the track in question, and use keyboard shortcut control/command + delete to remove the track from the Stems crate, and delete any associated Stems files on disk. The track is still retained in the library, but the prepared Stems library icon disappears:
NOTE: You can also delete the resulting .serato-stems file manually yourself, by highlighting the track in question in the library, and using the keyboard shortcut control/command + r to open Windows Explorer or macOS Finder - and deleting it there.
Users who have placed tracks in the Stems crate, which have been imported from network storage locations, will need to use this manual method.
Using Stems
Serato Stems can be used in several different ways, depending on the functionality you require. When using Stems, the Serato DJ Lite main waveform will dynamically change color to correspond with the change in audio.
NOTE: Using Stems immediately after loading a track to the virtual deck may result in a short delay before isolation is audible. Learn about more about how to avoid this, in the Preparing tracks for use with Stems section above.
Acapella & Instrumental
Quick buttons for isolating Acapella (vocal) and Instrumental Stems are available at all times in the virtual deck area:
- Load a track to the virtual deck, then click the Acapella button to quickly isolate vocals:
- Load a track to the virtual deck, then click the Instrumental button to quickly isolate instruments:
Stems Tab
With your Serato DJ Lite hardware connected, or when using Serato Play in 2 deck mode, the Stems Tab becomes available, which allows for more granular control of Stems, all by toggling the Stems pads on or off.
Any combination of Stem Pads (green) can be toggled simultaneously.
- Click the Stems Tab button to reveal additional Stems controls:
Stem Pads
- Click the Vocal Stem pad to mute vocals in the playing track:
- Click the Melody Stem pad to mute the melody in the playing track:
- Click the Bass Stem pad to mute the bass in the playing track:
- Click the Drums Stem pad to mute the drums in the playing track:
Controlling Stems with your DJ Lite hardware
Controlling Stems in Serato DJ Lite is intuitive and much like using other Performance Pad modes with your Serato DJ hardware.
Designated Serato DJ compatible hardware achieves this by replacing Serato DJ Lite's Sampler Performance Pad mode, using the Replace Sampler with Stems preference.
Replace Sampler with Stems
NOTE: Your Serato DJ hardware must be configured to use this option. Please check our Serato Stems hardware compatibility list for DJ Pro & Lite article for a complete list of devices that support the Replace Sampler with Stems preference.
Download the latest version of Serato DJ Lite to ensure the widest device compatibility.
- Connect your designated, Serato DJ Lite compatible hardware, then turn on the Replace Sampler with Stems preference under Setup > DJ Preferences
- Now toggle the Sampler Performance Pad mode on your Serato DJ Lite hardware, which will now control the pads in the Stems Tab.
Controls are as follows:
- Pad 1: Vocal Stem pad
- Pad 2: Melody Stem pad
- Pad 3: Bass Stem pad
- Pad 4: Drums Stem pad
- Left Parameter (where available): Acapella
- Right Parameter (where available): Instrumental