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KNOWN ISSUE: Crate ordering can change when restarting Serato DJ Pro & Lite, if crates from different drives or partitions are present

We are aware of an issue whereby Crates can reorder without explicit consent from the user, in Serato DJ Pro and Serato DJ Lite, after the software has been restarted

To more clearly illustrate this issue, check-out the desired example below, where Crates from two different drives are staggered in their order:

  • Rap (Drive A)
  • Trap (Drive B)
  • Drill (Drive A)
  • Alternative Hip Hop (Drive B)

However, after making this Crate order explicit, then restarting the software, you may find the Crates have now changed to:

  • Rap (Drive A)
  • Drill (Drive A)
  • Trap (Drive B)
  • Alternative Hip Hop (Drive B)

You will note that the Crates have reordered by themselves, and they have been grouped by the drive or partition they are sourced from.

While we appreciate this is inconvenient, to workaround this issue, we suggest segregating Crates in your library based on the partition or drive they are sourced from

NOTE: This can also occur with tracks inside crates, if they are sourced from different partitions or drives.