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Using Beatport Streaming with Serato DJ Pro

Beatport Streaming can be used as a music streaming provider for use with Serato DJ Pro.

Got any further questions after completing the steps in this guide? See our  Serato DJ Pro & Beatport - Frequently Asked Questions

Log-in to Beatport via Serato DJ Pro

If you do not already have a Beatport Streaming account, we suggest you create one first by clicking here.

To use Beatport Streaming with Serato DJ Pro, you must have an active subscription or current trial with Beatport, and you must have installed Serato DJ Pro 2.4 or above.

Log-in to Beatport via Serato DJ Pro with the following steps:

  1. Open Serato DJ Pro
  2. Navigate to Setup --> Library + Display --> Music Streaming
  3. Enable Show Streaming Services, then select Beatport from the services:Screen_Shot_2020-09-22_at_11.25.03_AM.png
  4. Finally click Sign up / Login to Beatport to redirect to your browser and log-in, sign-up, or 'continue' using your Beatport account (if you're already signed in)
  5. After confirming you should be presented with a browser pop-up, asking to redirect you back to Serato DJ Pro - click 'Allow':allow_soundcloud_via_SDJ_Pro.pngNOTE: The pop-up may be worded a little differently depending on your operating system or internet browser of choice, or logged-in status.
  6. Once back in Serato DJ Pro, you'll now notice the music streaming section indicates a logged-in account.Screen_Shot_2020-11-17_at_8.05.58_PM.pngNOTE: You may need to click Sign up / Login to Beatport and click the Open Serato DJ Pro popup again if your account is not shown as in the screenshot above.

Using Beatport Streaming playlists in Serato DJ Pro

Playlists can be created and edited via the Beatport website. Check out Beatport's Help Center here, or find out how to create a playlist with Beatport's How do I create playlists? article.

You can also create Beatport Streaming playlists from within Serato DJ Pro, which will also be reflected in your account on the Beatport website.

Click the New Streaming Playlist button to create a new Beatport Streaming playlist. You can add files to the playlist by dropping and dragging them onto the playlist, as you would do with regular Serato DJ Pro crates.


Once you've created a playlist, expand the Beatport tab, and then My Playlists option in the crates/playlists pane of Serato DJ Pro, to reveal your playlists:


NOTE: It's not currently possible to add Beatport tracks to Serato crates or smart crates.

Beatport Featured Playlists

Beatport has a range of curated playlists that are updated monthly. These consist of 'Top 100', 'Genre' and 'Curated' playlists. 

Featured Playlists can be disabled from the Streaming area under 'Library + Display' tab in the Setup Menu



Searching for Beatport Streaming tracks in Serato DJ Pro

Click on the Streaming Search button next to the search box in Serato DJ Pro, once you've enabled Beatport as a streaming service.


Once clicked on, search focus will change to the 'ALL' crate, with streaming (and non-streaming) tracks now available for searching. Clicking the button again will revert focus back to the track and crate you had previously selected.

If your internet connection or connection to the server fails, the Streaming Search button will be greyed out.

Using Beatport Locker to save tracks for offline usage

Click and drag tracks into your Beatport Locker while online, to save them for offline usage:


Tracks in your locker, but not yet downloaded to your computer, will show the following status column symbol:


Tracks in your locker, that have been downloaded to your computer and are ready for offline playback, will show the following status column symbol:


Beatport Locker tracks can be added to any of your existing Beatport playlists in Serato DJ Pro.
NOTE: The Locker feature is only available on specific Beatport Streaming plans.