Deck Header area
Here you can find controls for the Sample Deck that are applied across all pads and cues in a Sample deck, and are as follows:
Deck Play / Pause: Use this toggle Play or Pause for the loaded source file in the Sample deck. The white playhead in the middle of waveform display will move through the track as the source file elapses in duration.
Deck Voice mode: Use this to determine the voice mode for playback of cues / pads in the Sample deck. Use 'Mono' for single cue playback, or 'Poly' for simultaneous multi cue playback.
Deck playback mode: 'Hold mode' is the default playback mode, where triggered cue points will continue to play while the trigger is being held down. Alternatively, using 'Trigger mode' means cues will continue to play until the end of the cue length, or the end of the source file if no cue length is set - regardless of how long the cue trigger is held down for.
Vocal Stem: Click on this toggle to mute Vocals in the audio file loaded to the Sample Deck. Hold shift while clicking on the toggle to solo Vocals, and mute all other Stems.
Melody Stem: Click on this toggle to mute the Melody in the audio file loaded to the Sample Deck. Hold shift while clicking on the toggle to solo the Melody, and mute all other Stems.
Bass Stem: Click on this toggle to mute the Bass in the audio file loaded to the Sample Deck. Hold shift while clicking on the toggle to solo the Bass, and mute all other Stems.
Drums Stem: Click on this toggle to mute the Drums in the audio file loaded to the Sample Deck. Hold shift while clicking on the toggle to solo the Drums, and mute all other Stems.
Deck Info Display: Information and tags relating to the currently loaded source file are displayed here and include; Title, Artist, Original key, Original BPM, and Elapsed track duration.
NOTE: Information is updated upon loading of the source file, so if you update tags, the information will only update once the file is reloaded to deck or ID3 tags have been scanned again.
Deck BPM: Displays the current BPM. Click and drag up or down to make changes, or double-click to enter a value manually. Hold control/command on your keyboard, while you click and drag, to make fine adjustments, or hold shift on your keyboard, to make coarser adjustments.
Sync: Click Sync to sync the Sample Deck BPM with the project BPM. Click again to disable sync and allow for manual control of the Deck BPM.
Halve / Double BPM: Click on x2 to double the current Deck BPM, or click on 1/2 to halve it.
Deck Keyshift / Detune: Choose either Key or Detune to select either semitones or cents, then click & drag, up or down on the value to adjust the Deck key. Hold control/command on your keyboard while doing so to make fine adjustments, or hold shift to make coarser adjustments.