The following suggestions may help you if you are experiencing poor performance with Serato DJ:
- Check for updates using the check for updates button in the setup screen or by visiting
- Remove any corrupt files found in your library - SEE CORRUPT FILES FOR MORE INFORMATION.
- Close all other open programs.
- Disable wireless networking devices.
- Disable Bluetooth devices.
- Disable antivirus software.
- Disable screen savers.
- Disable sleep mode.
- Increase the USB buffer size and apply the changes - SEE USB BUFFER SIZE FOR MORE INFORMATION.
Connect Serato DJ hardware directly to a USB port on your computer, not via a USB hub.
- Try all USB ports, some work better than others.
- Disconnect other USB devices.
- Run your laptop connected to a power supply.
- For more troubleshooting help visit the Serato support help centre.