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Depending on your Serato DJ hardware, some options in the Mixer section of the Setup Screen may not be available for adjustment. This is because those options are adjusted using your Serato DJ hardware instead.




EQ Boost

Gives you the option to select either 6dB or 12dB of gain for your equalizer.


Allows you to set the audio output to Mono or Stereo.



Cue Mix and Master Cue

Mix between hearing the cue or the master in your headphones. Click the Master Cue button to override this setting and hear only the Master Output through the Cue.

Cue Volume

Depending on your Serato DJ hardware, this setting may not be available and instead adjusted from the hardware. Hardware without this functionality will have the Cue Volume in the software set to a default volume of 10%. Increase the setting on this knob to give the gain of the headphones an extra boost up to 12dB. To prevent hearing damage, be careful not to set this level too high.

NOTE: Adding cue volume can reduce audio quality so is only recommended if you are encountering problems with your headphone level.

Split Cue

Enabling Split Cue sums the Cue Bus and Master/Mix to mono, and splits them across the Cue output so you hear Cue in the left ear and Master in the right ear. Hardware dependent.



Adjusts the upfader curve. Turn the dial to the left for a slow gradual fade or to the right for a fast, tighter cut.

NOTE: Fader options may not be available for all Serato DJ hardware.



Adjusts the crossfader curve. Turn the dial to the left for a slow gradual fade or to the right for a fast, tighter cut. This adjustment will affect both types of curve, Linear and Power:


When Linear is selected and the crossfader curve is set to slow, the two tracks blend smoothly as the crossfader moves across. Both tracks are at half volume when the crossfader is in the middle, so for two distinct tracks there will be a dip in volume.
When the crossfader curve is set to fast, both channels are at full volume for nearly the whole crossfader range, and are cut off sharply when the crossfader reaches each side. The Linear curve with a fast setting is most useful for scratching or turntablism.


When Power is select and the crossfader curve is set to slow, there will be an obvious dip in volume around the middle of the crossfader, where the audio from the track already playing fades smoothly out before audio from the incoming track fades in. When the crossfader curve is set to fast, although the two tracks still blend smoothly as the crossfader moves across its range, the incoming track will be heard in the mix almost straight away as you move the crossfader toward the side its channel is assigned to.


Reverses the direction of the crossfader control. If channels assigned to the left side are in “Group A”, and the right side is “Group B”, then moving the crossfader from left to right fades from Group B to Group A.


Disables the crossfader, which can be useful if you only use the channel upfaders and wish to avoid making any mistakes by nudging the crossfader.

NOTE: Fader options may not be available for all Serato DJ hardware.


Mic/Aux Volume

Adjusts the volume of the Mic/Aux input if your hardware supports software volume adjustment.