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Issues Recording Video with Serato Video

It is now possible to record a video mix with Serato Video. To allow for this new feature there is now a new option available that allows you to change the location where your recording is saved (you can also do this for audio recordings as well).

This is a very important option when recording video sets that are quite long or recorded in high quality. We recommend that when you are recording a video set you change the recording location to a different drive to where your music videos are stored, i.e. if your videos are stored on an external hard drive set the recording location to an internal hard drive. Reading and writing from the same hard drive can be slow EVEN if it is a 7200 rpm drive or a SSD drive.

The reason we advise this is when you are playing videos your computer is already reading two video files from one location. If you instruct the software to save your recording to the same location that is a lot of reading and writing for one drive to perform. If the drive cannot read and write fast enough your recording will STOP to ensure you do not get any visual or audio dropouts with your output.

Splitting this work over more than one drive will reduce the chances of your recording stopping. 

  • It is also important to remember that a hard drive with a partition is physically still one hard drive. You do not double the read & write speed by partitioning your drive. Also any external drive that is connected via USB or firewire will have its reading and writing speed limited by the transfer rate of the port. If you experience dropouts in recordings try another port or cable. Adjusting buffer size for video does not affect video recording, the buffer size only applies to video playback

Other Serato Video tips:

Recording frames per second is always 24. Video output frames per second for video playback during recording is greater than 24 fps. Long recordings will be split into multiple files, on FAT32 formatted drives 4GB is file size limit. On other file systems ~3 hours of audio recording is the limit.

  • Make sure you have updated to the latest version of Quicktime, this may solve some output issues. Also make sure that you have the latest drivers for your graphics card.

If you are getting an error message stating that "5% of frames are being dropped from your recording..." be aware that this is a cautionary message. Your recording may be fine. Check the quality of your recording as the frame drop may not be noticeable.

If the video recording stops this is a sign that your drives cannot read and write at a high enough rate to meet the output quality that you have set. As said above, try lowering the output & recording quality. Also try adjusting your video buffer size to a higher setting. Make sure the recording location is different form the location where the videos are being read from.

If you are on a Windows machine and you are getting an error message stating "Not receiving video frames for video recording..."  it is possible that you may be using your intel graphics card for processing the frames. We do not support the use of shared Intel graphics cards for Windows. If you have a secondary graphics card try going through these steps here to change to a dedicated card. 

On both PC and Mac platforms, make sure that all your files are correctly analysed, your video buffer is set at the correct setting and that you have updated to the latest drivers from your graphics card manufacturer. For best performance, make sure your hard drives are high speed drives such as 7200rpm HDD's or Solid State Drives (SSD's).

If your computer is of adequate specification and you are still having trouble with your video recording, feel free to get in touch with support.