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Does The Bridge work with Ableton Live 9?

The Bridge offers Scratch Live users the "Ableton Live Panel " and the "Mixtape" feature.

Ableton Live 9 has just been released and things have changed slightly for Mixtape users.

Users of the Mixtape feature will find they receive an error message when opening saved mixtape files created in Scratch Live (.als format), when using Ableton Live 9.

You can workaround this issue by following these steps: 

1. Save your mixtape as .als format in Scratch Live.

2. Open the .als file in Ableton Live 8.

3. Now, from the toolbar, select "File" and then select "Save Live Set"

4. Close Ableton Live 8.

Your Mixtape should now launch correctly when opening the file in the 32 bit version of Ableton Live 9.

We hope to resolve this issue in an forthcoming release of Scratch Live. 

NOTE: This method only applies to the 32 bit version of Ableton Live 9. The Bridge does not work at all with the 64 bit version of Ableton Live 9.