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How-to: Disable User Account Control (UAC)

User Account Control (UAC) is a feature in Windows designed to prevent unauthorized changes to your computer. Unfortunately, UAC can also prevent Serato DJ from making changes to crates, database files, audio files and etc. Basically, UAC blocks Serato DJ's ability to create and/or edit files and Disabling UAC should resolve these issues and prevent further occurrences.

Disabling UAC on Windows 7

Type UAC into the start menu or Control Panel search box.

Type UAC into the start menu or Control Panel search box

Type UAC into the start menu or Control Panel search box

Drag the slider down to Never Notify and then click the OK button.

Drag Slider Down to Never Notify

Drag Slider Down to Never Notify

Windows 7 should prompt you to restart. A reboot is required before the changes take effect.

Disabling UAC on Windows 8 / 8.1

With Windows 8, accessing the User Account Control settings is slightly different.

Press the Windows mceclip0.png key on your keyboard, or click the 'Start' button, and type “Change User Account Settings”.

If you're using a mouse, point to the upper-right or the lower-right corner of the screen, move up or down, and then click the Search Charm.

Click the Change User Account Control Settings link.

Drag the slider down to Never Notify and then click the OK button.

Windows 8 should now prompt you to restart. A reboot is required before the changes take effect.

Note: Disabling UAC may lead to a less secure system.